The Binary Catalog
The cloud distance catalog is available for download here:
The catalog has the following fields:
- name
- Name of the region of sky in which this line of sight was chosen
- l
- Galactic latitude (degrees)
- b
- Galactic longitude (degrees)
- dist_lit
- Previous literature distance estimate; see paper for sources
- medebv
- Median Planck E(B-V) toward stars used on this line of sight
- m16
- 16th percentile of distance modulus
- m50
- 50th percentile of distance modulus
- m84
- 84th percentile of distance modulus
- n16
- 16th percentile of normalization factor
- n50
- 50th percentile of normalization factor
- n84
- 84th percentile of normalization factor
- f16
- 16th percentile of nearby reddening screen
- f50
- 50th percentile of nearby reddening screen
- f84
- 84th percentile of nearby reddening screen
- fittype
- whether a small (1) or large (2) beam was adopted for the fit
- chain
- the MCMC chain (n_sample x n_par, n_par = [distance modulus, normalization, nearby reddening])
- lnprob
- log likelihoods in the MCMC chain
- nstar_tot
- the number of stars used